11 to 20 of 107
  • by Andy Robinson - April 19, 2012
    Want to know a secret that GREAT relationship builders use constantly? They avoid working in isolation. They work WITH others. They work THROUGH others. They SEEK the ADVICE and counsel of others. They ask for the OPINION of others. They run things by their colleagues, their advisors, their peers.They COLLABORATE. Getting things done DOES require us to hunker down at times and "just do it" ourselves. MOST of the time,...
  • by Andy Robinson - April 5, 2012
    ONLY YOU are in charge of your personal, professional and career development. Your boss or manager CAN be an ally, a fan, an advocate, and an influencer ... but ultimately, it's up to you to figure out your interests and direction, and then chart a path and plan for achieving that direction. YOU are in control, YOU must invest the time and energy, and YOU must take responsibility for MAKING your wants and desires a reality...
  • by Andy Robinson - April 5, 2012
    "Found time" are those small pockets of time we FIND each day .... between phone calls, while we're on hold waiting, while we're waiting on a doctor, the inevitable flight delay, the traffic back up, the time spent waiting for someone to show up at a meeting or appointment, etc. (the list goes on....). Found time should be viewed as a GIFT -- extra (unplanned) time given to us when SOMETHING can be done. How will YOU take a...
  • by Andy Robinson - March 6, 2012
    All of my executive coaching clients receive an unending stream of requests .... requests for money and donations ... requests for involvement in organizations and community activities ... requests for partnering on business deals ... and other requests for time and money. My advice to clients is to have your FILTERS in place, at all times, to make those decisions easier. GOALS .... clearly articulated, specific, empowering...
  • by Andy Robinson - March 6, 2012
    It's Friday(!), and as the week comes to a close (for most of us), I wanted to share a set of habits that have become an end-of-the-week routine for me. This routine has been key to ending my week on a positive note and "teeing up" a great start to the following week. Consider these Three Weekly Habits each Friday before leaving the office or your place of work for the weekend: Habit 1:Reach out with a quick email or (bett...
  • by Andy Robinson - March 6, 2012
    Rare is it that we alone deserve the credit for a job well done. More often than not, success and achievement is the result of a team effort -- the combined effort of a few, of several or many. When you find yourself in the "spotlight," resist the temptation to enjoy it all yourself. Share the spotlight ... share the credit -- openly recognize the contribution of others. Seek them out. Thank them in person. Thank them op...
  • by Andy Robinson - March 6, 2012
    Make it a point to observe the people you respect ... those who really seem to "walk" the leadership talk and inspire others ... those who naturally draw others to them like a magnet ... those who energize and inspire their team mates and followers. Don’t necessarily mimic or copy all that they do, but identify what it is they do differently or what things really set them apart -- then, ask yourself what you can learn from...
  • by Andy Robinson - February 21, 2012
    What is your "Why"? Do you have clarity on WHY you do what you do? What beliefs, cause or purpose are you driven by? What COMPELS you to do what you do for a living? Do your clients and customers know your "why"? If your why aligns with their beliefs and needs, you'll be drawn to each other as if by magic. Great companies understand this. Highly successful people embody this. My "Why" is driven by my BELIEFS, all of wh...
  • by Andy Robinson - December 9, 2011
    Leaders .... Stay conscious of your "Likeability Factor."Are others drawn to you because of your friendliness and approachability? Do you make an effort to help others -- whever possible -- feel better about themselves? Do you tend to seek out and point out the "good" in others' situations and circumstances? Do you opt for kindness over trying to be right? Likeability is a magnet -- When you're likeable, people enjoy your c...
  • by Andy Robinson - December 7, 2011
    For many who reach the top echelons of business, retirement is a time to enjoy the spoils of a life well lived and years of hard work and perseverance. Others, however, take a different approach. For every businessman anticipating retirement, there’s also one who dreams of working until old age, and more than a few that make that a reality. Some don’t want to leave a company they’ve helped to build or say goodbye to the wor...