College Career Path Math
We all know that the cost of college is not cheap. In fact, the cost keeps going up over time - at a much faster pace than most paychecks can handle. And, that calls for more loans and just another debt to carry for who knows how many years before it gets paid off. Add to that the cost difference between public - private schools and those that are in-state or out-of-state.

How does a career path or lack thereof impact this cost? Well, the following is attributed to the lack of career and college major planning by college-bound students.

Statistics shows that 50% of incoming college freshman change majors or transfer to a different college. Of that 50%, 30% will change majors more than once - 20% will transfer colleges more than once - and the other 50% will dropout completely. The numbers are a bit staggering.

The lack of planning a career path and college major, before attending college, can drive-up the cost of college $20K to $40K higher because it may take six years to get a four-year degree. You do the math! OUCH!