Top 5 Job Interview Tips to Land the Job of Your Dreams
When you have an interview lined up for the job of your dreams, it is a good idea to seek out every job interview tip you can find to make sure that you are as prepared as possible for the interview.

  1. Research the Company
    The job interviewer is very likely to ask you why you are interested in the job for which you are interviewing. If you are able to respond in a way that demonstrates an accurate understanding of the company, the researcher will likely be very impressed with you.

    The fact that you took the time to learn the organization’s mission or that you have a clear understanding of the company’s primary product line will let the interviewer know that you have both initiative and a genuine interest in your job.

  2. Dress the Part
    First impressions definitely make a difference in how an interview perceives your suitability for a particular job. If you are dressed inappropriately for a job interview, the interviewer may well subconsciously exclude you from being considered before the job before the questions even start.

    Conventional wisdom regarding appropriate dress for job interviews is that you should dress as if you already have the job. It’s even better to take it a step further and dress as if you already have a job one step above the one that you are trying to get.

  3. Punctuality Matters
    Being on time for a job interview is crucial. One of the biggest challenges for employers is having deal with employee tardiness and absenteeism. By being late to a job interview, regardless of the reason, you are sending a message to the interviewer that you are likely to have issues with punctuality.

    You should plan to arrive at the location of your job interview approximately 15 minutes early. By planning ahead and allowing some extra time, you will have enough of a cushion to deal with traffic slowdowns that might occur along the way.

  4. Prepare for Common Interview Questions
    There are a number of questions that most job interviewers tend to ask in interviews. Almost every interviewer is going to ask you to describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses. Employers usually ask why you are interested in the particular job for which you are interviewing. You are also likely to be asked to describe your long-term career goals.

    By thinking ahead about the best way to answer these types of questions you will be better prepared to give appropriate responses.

  5. Be Ready to Ask Questions of Your Own
    At the end of a job interviewer, it is very common for the interviewer to conclude by asking the candidate if he or she has any questions. This is another area where you can distinguish yourself from other applicants by being prepared to ask good questions. You can always ask the interviewer when a decision will be made about the position. You can also ask for permission to follow up with the interviewer about the position. This demonstrates a genuine interest in the job.

    What you shouldn’t do, particularly in a first interview, is ask questions about the amount of vacation time, holidays, the cost of health insurance, or even pay. Such discussions are more appropriate once a job offer has actually been made. Asking such questions early in the interview process is presumptuous, and sends the wrong message to the interviewer.