The Truth About Why You Are Still Stuck in Your Career
I know how frustrating it is to be in a job you don't like but yet not sure what you would like to be doing. It's not fun being stuck, feeling almost trapped in a career, whether it be because of money, lack of information, fear, or anything else.

Believe me, I get it. I've been there.

It took me many years of going through my own transition and helping hundreds of others go through theirs to realize that we've all been working from an old set of rules.

Are you thinking that you need to have it all figured out - what career you want, what you want your life to be like, have all of your debts paid off, know how you're going to make the transition - before you go ahead and make a move?

Well, you can't so it's time to update your rulebook.

You can't possibly have it all figured out ahead of time. When you are making a transition you truly are figuring out the next step to take as you are taking it. You are not supposed to have it all planned out before you take action. You are supposed to take action based on what you know right now in order to just move incrementally ahead. The secret though is this: as you take action that is based on what you do know you want right now, you create this incredible momentum that leads to bigger steps and bigger results.

You have to stop worrying about how things might or might not play out in your career down the road and instead work from the present.

What do you know for sure right now?

Maybe it's that you have an interest in owning your own bakery and your cousin's friend opened up a bakery a year ago. Your action would be to go and talk with her. You don't have to know what's coming next. You'll figure out what to do next after you take the obvious step in front of you.

Or maybe you'd like to give up your corporate job and become a teacher but are concerned about how the change in your salary would impact your family. Your action would be to go and speak with your family about it. That's it! Explain your desire. Explain your concern. Come up with the next step to take based on the outcome of that initial conversation.

You (and I) are not creative enough to know all that's possible for us. So do yourself a favor and go take the next best step FOR YOU. Stop worrying about how it will all work out and start moving ahead even if you don't have all of the're not supposed to. Baby steps are your key to getting unstuck. Start moving!