The 12 Ways of… Business Fitness! Checkin’ Your List?
The things we want always come with a price, but not everything delivers results worth the cost. Accumulating stuff is easy. Creating the life we want isn’t.

What’s on your list?

It’s time to ask yourself if you’re where you want to be in your career.

Are you:

-Unemployed and looking for the right spot
-Working at a job you hate
-Yearning to be your own boss
-Frustrated by slow growth in your business
-Uncertain about your career options after school
When our work life doesn’t fit us, the rest of our life can pay a serious price.

Checkin’ your list!

It’s time to become your own personal “business fitness” trainer and/or find a career coach to help you. Then start building the career you’ve always wanted.

Begin by taking an inventory of where you are right now in your quest for control over your career and your future.

For each of the 12 items below, rate yourself using this scale: E—excellent (got it nailed), G—good (the pieces are in place), F—fair (just starting on this), O—oops (never thought of it).

1. I’m knowin’ where I’m goin’—I know exactly what career success I’m after, where to find it, and how to get it. (E-G-F-O)
2. It’s game time—I have the skills, knowledge, and experience I need to handle the challenges that my next move will put in my lap. (E-G-F-O)
3.I’m ready to rumble—I have the courage, commitment, and energy to face the unknowns that go with new territory, including the potentially difficult people. (E-G-F-O)
4.I’m strong—My physical health, self-confidence, and stress tolerance are solid; I can count on them going forward. (E-G-F-O)
5.I’m resilient—When I hit a wall or get discouraged, I don’t stop or slow my efforts because I know success will come if I press on. (E-G-F-O)
6.My course is set—I’ve got a written game plan for the next couple years, including SMART goals that I hold myself accountable to each month. (E-G-F-O)
7.I’m on top of things—I keep up with information on the marketplace, my company and others, industry trends, and opportunities. (E-G-F-O)
8. I expand my network—I stay in contact with business friends and allies, adding connections routinely, always ready to lend support. (E-G-F-O)
9.I share my talents—I let colleagues know that I’m willing to help them, sharing my capabilities and engaging followers. (E-G-F-O)
10.I’m your wo/man, Coach!—You take the lead on assignments that position you for the kind of career growth you desire, even asking for the opportunity to be the designated leader. (E-G-F-O)
11. I reveal my ideas—You step forward with solutions to problems, in whole or in part, even when you may not be the person expected to know, always showcasing your value. (E-G-F-O)
12.I own my career—I make choices about opportunities I will or will not pursue based on what’s right for me, not because it’s what the company or outside influences want me to do. (E-G-F-O)
Business fitness is your gift to yourself.

The E’s and G’s you’ve given yourself are your launching pad. They are the platform you will build on. Your next steps are to:

-Keep expanding the breadth and depth of your E and G ratings
-Take one step each day to move your F and O ratings up a notch (Bam!)
The most important step you take is committing to the kind of success YOU want, accepting that you deserve it.

This checklist is a jump start. My book, Business Fitness: The Power to Succeed—Your Way, gives you more of the how to’s. Each step you take will increase your momentum until you feel like you’re flying! Please keep a parachute handy!