Can Your Smile Land You a Job?
Question: Can a smile really land you a job?

Answer: A smile is so incredibly powerful. It is proven to release chemicals that relax, it takes fewer muscles to make then a frown, and it can make or break a meeting.

Smiles are written about, sung about, drawn, worn as bumper stickers and t-shirts and are used in many quotes from the famous and not so famous including Phyllis Diller who said, “The curve of a smile sets everything straight”. It affects your appearance too, as George Eliot reminded us, “Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles”. Do you want laugh lines or frown lines?

My favorite quote is from an unknown author, it states, “The shortest distance between two people is a smile”.

If you want to break the ice when meeting people for the first time during an interview remember to smile...often. This doesn’t mean laugh and giggle in a nervous annoyance. It means to look at those you are talking with and give a genuine smile.

When asking for help in your job search, inviting contacts for coffee or lunch to get reacquainted, meeting new contacts, networking, talking with recruiters, administrative or HR support or the hiring manager the first and most natural response should be a smile.

Smiles are a nonverbal communication shared throughout the world. Your smile is more than displaying teeth or curving lips, it is a physical change in your attitude and approachability. When a smile is received it also causes a biological response by mimicking a return smile, so if you want to make others feel comfortable S-M-I-L-E!

A genuine smile and approachable appearance will be remembered as much as your stories, experience and skills you share during an interview. Will a smile land you a job, maybe not on its’, but it can certainly be the thing that interviewers remember and may be a deciding factor at some point.

The little things really do make the biggest differences – It can’t hurt and it will actually make you feel better – try it today!