8 Ways to Make Your Age an Afterthought | Timeless Career Moves
There are a million ways to be self-defeating. Fretting about the impact of our age on our career is a popular one. I hear it all the time:

-“I’m right out of college and stuck in an entry level job because I’m the only one who can show my older coworkers how to do stuff on their computers.”
- “Because I’ve worked here my whole career, everyone thinks my ideas aren’t cutting edge enough.”
-“No one takes my ideas seriously because I’m the youngest one on the staff.”
-“Based on what I see with others my age, I’ll have to wait years before I’ll see any career growth.”
Sounds like a lot of “poor me” stuff, oh, dear!

It’s always about our choices.

We’ve been in charge of our careers from the start. We picked a course of study in school, applied for and accepted the jobs we have, and continue to show up to work each day. If our career isn’t working out for us, then we are the ones to make a change.

Yes, I know: “It’s not easy to just pick up and get a new job.” And, I agree. But consider this: It’s easier (and less risky) for you to figure out what it takes to make you more valuable at your organization and position yourself for something better than it is to start over.

Careers are built on ability, not on age.

Our careers are our business. They are enterprises that we manage. So when they lack oomph, we need to shore them up.

Here are 8 ways to make your age an afterthought and give your career real life:

1. Talk the talk—Learn all you can about how your business works, industry trends, the marketplace, and operating process: Share your voice and views with colleagues at every level.
2. Fix things—Build an ever-increasing proficiency in the technical, procedural, and interpersonal skills needed to raise the bar in your company: Come to the rescue or help avoid a calamity.
3. Get in the trenches—Find opportunities to put your knowledge and skills to work with colleagues and customers where you gain visibility and insight: Be a hero/heroine when you can.
4. Be in the ready—Step up to meet a challenge, out of your comfort zone, showcasing your commitment to serve when there’s a need.
5. Crank it up—Engage the enthusiasm of others for a company initiative and fire up your personal efforts to deliver more than expected.
6. Keep your glass half-full—Showcase a can-do attitude when work demands are at a fever pitch, presenting ideas, processes, and confidence that are contagious and doable.
7. Reach out and up—Expand your connections beyond your immediate workgroup, building alliances that help you get work done and create positive buzz about your value.
8. Make a difference—Contribute new thinking that spawns new ideas and initiatives: Offer to take the lead to break new ground .
Take the age chip off your shoulder

Sometimes we use the “age” factor as an excuse for what we aren’t getting done. Look around at the people who are the movers and shakers at your company. Is it their age that you see or the energy they bring to get important things done?

I’ve worked with people in their twenties who acted like they were 70 and others in their 70’s who got more done than coworkers in their 20’s. The only time career growth is about age is when it’s about the salary money. (That’s for a different post.) When we focus on increasing our capabilities, meeting goals, and exceeding expectations, we can set age aside, because it simply doesn’t matter. It’s your business fitness that keeps your career alive. So, happy birthday to you whenever it is! No matter what your age, it’s always your time.