2010 is Your Year to Bring Fabulosity into Your Life!
I took time at the office over the holidays to clean out dead files, straighten things up and get organized. Along with all that stuff, I've reflected on what's in store in this new year for me and my business.

Okay, it's 2010...a new year, a clean slate. You've probably resolved to get rid of some of your old habits just like me...and are ready to break in new ones. So, it's the perfect time to tap into one of your most powerful gifts - your ability to create.

I truly believe each one of us is blessed with a combination of gifts and talents that is our unique imprint...our brand. I say "unique" because no other person in the entire universe can make your individual impact on the world.

As I see it, we are all created - perfectly designed - to make a unique difference. But, do we all TRY to make a difference? Some of us make a difference by writing or speaking, leading or following. The biggest job each of us has is to recognize what we are created to do...to contribute to our world.

It may take some of us longer than others to realize the greatness we were put here to achieve...the amazing lives we can experience. But trust me, it's there and waiting for you to discover.

Here's the cool part. As we enter 2010, we can set our sights on finding and expressing our unique and creative gift we have to offer to the world. That discovery may come by attending a seminar or volunteering at your favorite charity. It may come from getting involved in your child's activities or singing in a choir...or taking photographs or serving on a board or committee. Or, we may discover our unique gift by simply giving our best to the work at hand each day.

I love the quote by Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Take the first step in faith." That means get out there with a purpose. Then watch your creativity unfold into limitless possibilities of purpose, prosperity and power.

If you decide to take this exciting journey, I can assure you...it will change your life and it will also change our world. Why? Because without you, the world would not experience the creative contribution you, alone, are equipped to make.

Remember, we are all here to experience our own unique creative power and through this unique power, we can help others discover and make their own creative contributions.

Sounds exciting, right? Ready, set and watch the miracles unfold!